Chamber Golf Tournament
The Golf Classic provides an easy-going occasion to develop relationships with professionals.
The Chamber Golf Classic is an excellent opportunity to network with local business leaders and to enjoy one of Dawson County's finest golf courses.
The tournament format is a Four-Person Scramble with a shotgun start.
There are several awards and goodie bags offered for players.
Lunch and beverages are provided.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Secure your Spot Today!
Let's promote your business and enjoy a great day on the golf course in August.
For more information about this event please contact us.

Presenting Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Lunch Sponsor Hole in One Hospitality Sponsor Golf Ball Sponsor Golf Cannon Sponsor Exclusive Promotions Sponsor Water Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Hole in One
Hospitality Sponsor
Golf Ball Sponsor
Golf Cannon Sponsor
Exclusive Promotions Sponsor
Water Sponsor