We are a strong voice advocating on your behalf to reduce the negative impact of regulations. Whether you are dealing with a local, state, or federal issue the Chamber is here to advocate on your behalf.

Always an ally and voice for business
A roundtable event hosted by the Dawson County Chamber is just one of the many ways the chamber works to be an advocate and ally for its members.
Get Problems Solved...
Dawson County Chamber of Commerce is committed to being the voice of business.
The Chamber advocates on behalf of our membership and community at the local, state, and national level to promote a business-friendly atmosphere. The Chamber also advocates on issues specifically impacting the Dawson County community.
Each year, the Advocacy Committee creates a legislative agenda that is presented to our legislators.
Some of the ways the Chamber advocates locally are:
- Candidate Forums
- Mayoral Debates
- Public Meeting Attendance
Georgia Chamber Small Business Alliance
Through a recently launched partnership between the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, a new benefit is available to small businesses with less than ten (10) full-time employees. You have the opportunity to become an Alliance member of the state chamber. This benefit is available at no additional cost to you; it is complimentary through your yearly local chamber membership investment. Should you choose to take advantage of this offer, you will receive the additional benefits listed below.
- Benefits of the Alliance membership
- Voice for Business
- A team of government affairs professionals aggressively and proactively representing your business' needs throughout the year at the State Capitol and in Washington, D.c.
- Participation in statewide initiatives and coalitions that help shape Georgia Chamber's annual legislative agenda
- Involvement in public policy development through grassroots participation and member surveys
- Timely information
- Electronic Georgia Business Action Network (GBAN) updates
- Legislative "Action Alerts" on timely issues
- Quarterly e-newsletter with upcoming educational and programming opportunities
- Access to educational information on top policy priorities for your business
- Events & Programs
- Invitations to participate in regional member events
- Special reduced pricing for Alliance members at Georgia Chamber signature events
- Savings & Services
- Additional discounts on webinars, cost-saving programs, HR publications and more